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Extended Device Controls

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

This blueprint enhances the control of View Assist device displays and audio playback. This is a community contribution authored by user Flight-Lab (Github)/flab (Discord). Support can be obtained through the View Assist Discord server or the discussion group on Github. Please tag the author in your message.

  • Each device requires its own automation.
  • Most features require modifications to the View Assist device configuration YAML file.
  • All features are opt-in.

Summary of Optional Features:

  • Automatically decrease music volume when triggered by wake-word detection or the broadcast automation, and restore music volume when TTS ends.
    • option to gradually increase volume
  • Play a custom sound when wake word is detected.
  • Play a custom sound when STT detects silence.
  • Switch to music mode when musicplayer_device is playing.
  • Revert to normal mode when musicplayer_device is idle for specified duration.
Blueprint Input Page Screenshots:






Features Requiring No Changes to Stock View Assist Device Configuration:

  • Assist Audio Feedback:
    • Play a custom sound when wake word is detected (set Stream Assist STT start media to null if using this feature).
    • Play a custom sound when STT detects silence (sound is not played if Music Duck is activated, as the volume returning to normal signals the end of listening).

Features Requiring Configuration Changes:

  • Home Assistant Startup:
    • Fully Kiosk Browser automatically loads the start URL on server startup.
    • Requires setting fkb_device: in the config file, which should match the device name in the Fully Kiosk Browser integration. (e.g., fkb_device: "pyramid")

Features Requiring Separate Media Players:

For the following features, separate media players must be defined for mediaplayer_device and musicplayer_device in the config:

  • Music Pause:
    • Pauses music when triggered by a wakeword or broadcast. Resumes music when TTS ends.
  • Music Duck:
    • Lowers the music volume (by a user-defined percentage of the current volume) when triggered by a wake word or broadcast, and restores the original volume when TTS ends.
    • Volume Step:
      • Gradually increase volume after ducking for a smoother experience. Step size and time between steps are both user selectable variables.

Features Requiring Separate Media Players or expirementally with HassMic:

For the following features, separate media players must be defined for mediaplayer_device and musicplayer_device in the config. Works without using discrete media players if using HassMic:

  • Auto Music Mode:
    • Switches to music mode and navigates to the music view when musicplayer_device starts playing. This applies even when playback starts from any sources other than just voice commands.
  • Music Mode Timeout:
    • Automatically returns to normal mode and the home page after a user-defined period of inactivity in music playback.

These features require stable and reliable state changes between idle and playing for both mediaplayer_device and musicplayer_device. Ensure that the media players are consistently available.

  • musicplayer_device: Snapcast (exposed via Music Assistant) FREE
  • mediaplayer_device: AirReceiver audio (exposed via Music Assistant) $2.99
AirReceiver Setup Instructions:
  1. In AirReceiver settings, make sure both Airplay IOS Media Receiver and AirTunes Audio AirPort Express Speaker are selected. The media_player entity we want to use is only made when both of these are checked.
    (You do not need the other options selected for this but they will not harm anything if you choose to. I do, however, recommend unchecking them as they will create even more media player entities. One even creates a media server.)

  2. Scroll down to "Advanced Settings" and set "AirTunes Audio Latency (ms)" to 0.

  3. Check AirTunes UI [✓]

The media player entity we want to use will be created by the Music Assistant integration and will be called media_player.lenovostarview_(last 3 digits of device ip)_audio
e.g. media_player.lenovostarview_180_audio
This player operates independently of the device's system volume, similar to Snapcast.

Other Confirmed Working Media Players:
  • Fully Kiosk Browser media player (exposed via Music Assistant)

    [!WARNING] Only use the media player exposed by Music Assistant; others may become unavailable or fail to trigger actions.

    • There may be a delay between state changes and actual audio playback (1-2 seconds for both start and end of playback).

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.


v 1.1.1Music mode auto on/off fix
v 1.1.0Further HassMic Support & input adjustments
v 1.0.3Initial HassMic Support & pause option instead of ducking
v 1.0.2Updates to blueprint inputs & descriptions
v 1.0.1Add option to gradually increase volume after ducking
v 1.0.0Initial release