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Views Gallery

View Assist is easily extendable by adding custom views which receive data from custom sentences. On this page you will find a gallery of premade custom views. You will find links to the requirements and installation instructions.

We encourage everyone to share their creations so that others might enjoy what you have brought to life.

All views can be added using the instructions found here:

as well as by watching this video:


Detailed install video:

AlarmA card that allows for interacting with alarms, reminders and timers
CameraA dynamic card that allows for full screen viewing of security cameras
ClockProvides a view for presenting the time, data and weather conditions
Info/InfopicProvides a view for presenting text data with or without an image
IntentProvides a view showing devices turned on/off, open/closed and others when issuing voice commands
ListProvides a view for presenting Home Assistant todo list entities
MusicUsed for streaming music and radio
SportsShows matchup results, in game or upcoming information for various sports events
ThermostatShows the thermostat card and allows for adjusting set point temperatures
WeatherProvides a view for presenting weather forecast and current conditions
WebpageProvides a view for presenting web based content